Обучение бизнес-английскому
Если Вы думаете, что курс бизнес английского включает в себя только бизнес-английский, то это не так. Те, кто ведет бизнес на английском, такие же люди, как и все мы, и они говорят на таком же языке, русском или английском, когда обсуждают бизнес. Поэтому язык один, а лексика и уровень формальности другие. Поэтому на курсе бизнес-английского мы учим лексику, которая необходима для ведения направления бизнеса и функциональный язык, который необходим для соблюдения дистанции в языке.
Давайте посмотрим, как можно с помощью функционального языка показать уровень формальности в английском языке.
How to show distance and stay English in the way you speak?
We are going to look at the ways you invite people to have lunch with you.
We keep talking about the level of formality when we talk. So let's look at some invitations and decide what is formal and what isn't and why.
Before we do this, let me tell you what I mean by the level of formality. It is the distance which exists between the speakers. And to show this distance you have to make sure, the language you choose, matches this distance.
Let's say, you want to invite your friend, who is your colleague at the same time, to lunch. What are your options?
1. "Would you like to have lunch with me?" Possible, but you are offering rather than inviting. Too formal as if you are not friends. The distance is rather big in this opinion.
2. "Let's go and have lunch". Better but too direct. The level of formality is good but you are not giving him a chance to say "no" if he has to. He has to invent excuses to turn your offer down.
3. "I am having lunch in an hour". That's your best choice. By sharing your plan with your friend you are inviting him to be a part of it. He can say yes or no, but you are not insisting on anything. You are just giving him a chance to be invited.