CELT-Р (Certificate in English Language Teaching - Primary)
Кембриджские курсы проходят на платформе, разработанной международными специалистами специально для учителей начальной школы из разных стран.
Курс для тех, кто не имеет опыта или хочет структурно систематизировать знания по коммуникативной методике преподавания в школе.
Учителя из разных стран, без отрыва от работы, подключаются на платформу, где они проходят дистанционное обучение в удобное для себя время.
Кембриджский курс CELT-P состоит из 9 модулей, каждая неделя примерно расписана так: теория на платформе, практика и выполнение заданий, просмотр уроков от ведущих кембриджских тьюторов, прохождения материала в индивидуальном режиме, оформление выполненных заданий в портфолио.
На курсе повышения квалификации осваиваются все аспекты коммуникативной методики для работы по школьной программе: чтение, слушание, письмо, разговорная практика, грамматика - представлены в виде занимательной теории, заданий и ролевых игр.
Курс длится 9 месяцев.
Практика преподавания включена в курс. Вы записываете три видео урока с реальными студентами и загружаете их на платформу, где тьюторы их оценивают и дают обратную связь.
Только в нашем Институте вы получаете 3 документа за один курс: международный сертификат преподавателя CELP-P + TKT YL+ удостоверение Института о повышении квалификации на 120 часов.
Module 1 - Language awareness for teaching
Module 1 helps you to refresh your own knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. You’ll revise the terminology that teachers use when they talk about language with colleagues and older primary learners. You’ll see this terminology in later modules of the course and you’ll need it to do your language research. There will be opportunities for you to research areas of language, both within the module and in the portfolio task.
Module 2- Developing listening and speaking skills in the primary classroom
Module 2 covers listening and speaking in the primary classroom. You’ll look at strategies for developing learners’ listening skills in Unit 1 and strategies for developing their speaking skills in Unit 2. Unit 3 looks at how speaking and listening skills can be integrated into lessons. This module emphasizes the importance of building primary learners’ confidence to communicate in English.
Module 3 - Developing reading and writing skills in the primary classroom
Module 3 covers reading and writing skills. In Unit 1 you’ll look at strategies for developing learners’ reading and writing skills, focusing on word and sentence level activities for younger primary learners. In Unit 2 you’ll look at helping older primary learners to read and write texts. Unit 3 looks at how skills can be integrated into project work and topic-based teaching.
Module 4 - Resources for learning in the primary classroom
Module 4 looks at a range of resources you can use with your learners to support their English language learning. You’ll look at how you can make the best use of your coursebook. You’ll also look at a range of other resources and materials you can use to motivate and engage your learners. Unit 1 focuses on younger primary learners and Unit 2 on older primary learners. Unit 3 looks at a range of supplementary materials for primary learners at different ages.
Module 5 - Managing the primary school classroom
Module 5 covers effective classroom management. In Unit 1 you’ll consider the importance of the learning environment. You’ll explore how to use the space that you have available and how to involve learners in creating a positive classroom atmosphere. In Unit 2 you’ll look at the effective management of activities from setting up to getting feedback. Finally, in Unit 3 you’ll look at how teachers can ensure that learners with different language abilities participate fully in the lesson.
Module 6 - Developing language use in the primary school classroom
Module 6 covers how to introduce and practise new language with different age groups. You’ll look at language structures in Unit 1, vocabulary in Unit 2 and features of pronunciation in Unit 3. Throughout the module there is an emphasis on building learners’ confidence in using English.
Module 7 - Language learning and the primary learner
The activities and strategies for teaching language and skills in Modules 2 to 6 are suitable for teaching different groups of primary learners. Module 7 looks more closely at the factors that can affect how children learn. Unit 1 considers key characteristics of young learners and relates these to the types of activities teachers can use in the classroom. Unit 2 looks at how the teacher can use English lessons to continue to develop learners’ curiosity, knowledge and understanding of the world around them. You’ll look at activities which develop learners’ thinking skills and intercultural awareness. Unit 3 then focuses on how to use teacher language to increase and extend opportunities for successful learning for primary learners. Modules 1 to 7 contain plans for different types of lessons.
Module 8 - Planning language learning in the primary school context
Modules 1 to 7 contain plans for different types of lessons. In Module 8 you’ll look at all the factors you need to consider for detailed planning. In Units 1 and 2 you’ll look at key components for planning individual lessons. You’ll then look at planning a sequence of work for the school year or part of the year in Unit 3.
Module 9 - Assessing language learning in the primary context
Welcome to Module 9. In Unit 1 you’ll consider some key features of teachers’ assessment practices. Unit 2 explores everyday assessment practices with an emphasis on learning while Unit 3 looks at more formal assessment with an emphasis on testing.
Module 1
Managing the Primary Classroom
Total number of hours - between 9 and 12
Assessment - Portfolio task - plan, teach and evaluate a role-play activity
Task focus - setting up activities, giving instructions, organizing learners into pairs/groups, monitoring, providing feedback to learners
Portfolio needs to be completed and uploaded for the moderation
Unit 1 - Creating and maintaining a constructive learning environment
Lesson 1: The teaching environment - key principles
Lesson 2: Creating and managing a positive learning environment
Lesson 3: Establishing classroom discipline
Unit 2 - Managing classroom activities effectively
Lesson 4: Speaking and writing activities
Lesson 5: Setting up activities
Lesson 6: Monitoring and feedback
Unit 3 - Managing differences in the classroom
Lesson 7: Recognizing and managing differences
Lesson 8: Differentiation through teacher talk and classroom tasks
Lesson 9: Differentiation through feedback and grouping strategies
Module 1 covers classroom management in the secondary language classroom, looks at the physical environment, deals with the way teachers interacts with the learners
Videos of live lessons of experienced teachers are included in the Module 1 for participants to watch